
fever oh...fever

today I went to da clinic to meet my old ex bf.....Mr Doctor~
after waiting for nearly 20 mins(i was watching da tv, so im not bored at all!)
da nurse called me, "A***a Eva~!"...I went to meet him.

da conversation is like this
Me : Hello doc, long time no see
Doc : Eva my love~! long time no see too! i missed you soo much~!
Me : yeah whtever, you liar..thats why I left you!
Doc : awhh...dont be like this, im soooo sorry!!! lets make up shall we? btw, would you marry me?
Me: awh?? really? yes, YES, ILL MARRY YOU!!!

we ended up kiss like newly-wed couple~!!


no lah...

da doc actually asked what is my sickness and evrything..
he also asked me to come for da next few days if i develop somthing on my body like redness or anything( he suspecting dengue fever cuz theres 2 casses alrd at around my house...)

Just now my family and I went to eat at an interesting place...ill blog bout it tmr...sleepy and I have to sleep early cuz of dat damn fever!!!..TT_TT...zzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Ami said...

HHAHAHHAH I nearly fell of my chair.. and when you said your doc was your ex-bf and the convo haha.. ape la Eva!!! XD