

I thought I could release my tension when Im back at Melaka..but Ma is giving me too much housework! How could I study in peace?

Yes, my last quiz's result was ok...but, the mid terms gonna be HARD!(especiallythatdamnmusichistory)
Aural and Theory was fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~
(Aural was a bit tough though~)

ANYWAY, its been a loooong time since I last mention bout v.kei bands, ne?
I didnt update infoes n stuffs for a long time, but yesterday, I forced myself to check bout them(eventhough I was already sleepy)....but WHAT IS THIS SHIT????!!!!


awh damn!!! i missed it!!!!
SuG was THERE AT SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT__TT
I should update myself with v.kei infos MORE OFTEN!!
I would suicide if its Gazerock who came to Spore!!


Ami said...

Heehhhhhhh!!! Now Jrock bands are goin East... FML!

Stupid isolated country! BRING THEM ASIAN BANDS HERE!!!

camne u tahu this info??

Eh eh! Jgn fikir cam tu la Eva!!! ish3

brokenTeddy said...


i saw da news at ANIMAX channel~

NO-lah...joking oni~XD