
Gala Muzikal 2010...Orkestra Jabatan Pendidikan Melaka

WARNING.....plzzzzzzz do IGNORE da comments made by my family...
thyre just tooo excited when they saw me play...TT_TT im sooo sorry...
and its in MP4 format cuz my sis used her hp for this amazing vids..
and she left out Kalis Rindu and Bunga Ros...idk why...TT_TT

intro for Gala
me : strings

my family love this song..
me : strings

me : play nothing

muahahaha,killer song for me..but gladly, I have no mistake at all!!XD
me : accordian(solo)

we will survive!!
me : strings

me : play nothing

yeah~ thanks to Santana for this great song~
im sorry cuz my volume ish toooo loud!
me : Rock Organ

another solo for me
me : accordian

Aniqah(singer) ish my Junior at skewl~ bravo~!!
me : strings

ABBA's songs power~!
me : sat back and relax while enjoying da music

Adeepshinoda forgot to record...so...halfway pown jadiklar..
me : relax and enjoyed

my fave song for all time!!!
me : XP strings

i got a bit solo at intro..
me : piano for Azizah only...da rest...I relaxed~

da cute singer KIKI in action for Cari Jodoh~!
me : relax..

da Grand Finale..
me : brass and accordion(melody)

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