
im on my way~

mummy woke me up...EARLY...damn it!
i have piano lesson by 10.30 am, but mummy said, "pak itam ajak breakfast"
its fu*king 8.30am, i slept late last night!
but for the sake of my fave uncle and family, "okay, okay..", i said~

I ate 2 half-boiled eggs, 3 toast bread, and half roti canai.

then, pak itam send me to piano class, and he went back to KL with his family..
but, inside da car, i chatted with kak tira bout uitm and stuffs, since she's a student of uitm also~..and yeah, i got A LOT OF INFOs bout uitm~

after my piano class, mummy picked me up and send me home, cuz i dont wanna follow her to a kenduri kawin.
I slept as arrives home..

and finally, abah banked-in money for uni stuffs~!!!! wooohooo~!!!!! ARIGATO OTO-SAMA!!!
so, i planned to go to shopping tmr...

i hv to help my aunty to be a waiter at her noodle shop tmr..TT_TT...
ganbatte, eva!

prays : hope, i x tergagap2x nk ckp ngan customer!


Ami said...

Omo, you pun ade piano lesson today???... hahaha same as me.. but mine was at 1-2pm...

wooahh!! noodle shop.. how cool is that to have a family member own one... :D

What's wrong with that with customers ayyy??... they don't bite.. unless they are hungry lar..hahaha XD

brokenTeddy said...

i kinda love/hate morning piano lesson~=_=''


hm...'obidient' customers is okay...but, old geezers dat is 'ngada2x' makes me say 'WTF?!!' is unbearable!